Food and Heart health

pancake with orange and blueberries beside scattered chocolate and coffee beans
pancake with orange and blueberries beside scattered chocolate and coffee beans

The famous Greek philosopher and so called father of Medicine, Hippocrates, was famously quoted to say "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". Today there is so much conflicting information out there, some of which is baseless, regarding what diets and types of food we should be eating. Find out more about diet types and which ones are proven to be beneficial to heart and health generally.

Exercise and Heart health

a man in red running through a forest
a man in red running through a forest

Find out more about the benefits of exercise for your heart. Learn about types and how much we should be doing on a weekly basis for the most benefit. Can there be too much of a good thing?

Explore how small changes to our lifestyle can have big effects on our future selves and heart health.

human heart illustration
human heart illustration

How do we lower our Cardiovascular risk profile

Using Mindset, Spirituality and Psychology to improve our heart and physical health.
woman in white sweater reading book
woman in white sweater reading book
gray computer monitor

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Contact me for insights on cardiac health and lifestyle changes.